Setup network variables

This document describes the command to set up the environment depending on the type of network you want to use.

-mainnettestnetdevnetznet (localnet)
Chain IDcoreum-mainnet-1coreum-testnet-1coreum-devnet-1coreum-devnet-1
Cosmovisor versionv1.5.0v1.5.0v1.5.0v1.5.0
Cored versionv4.1.2v4.1.2You can find the link to binary at this pagealready installed via crust
Upgrade nameCheck the Name column hereCheck the Name column heregenesisgenesis
State sync servers supportednot supported


⚠️ Keep in mind, that our Public RPC Node is stable, but there is always a risk of DDoS attacks, and if you build your own product(wallet, etc), it is recommended to rely on your own RPC Node. Alternatively you can use our partners services Nownodes, Zeeve, Allnodes

⚠️ Also, having own RPC node is recommended if you frequently query the Node(for instance, for indexing), since we have rate limiting there.

  • Set the chain env variables with the values corresponding to the network you want to connect to, from the table above.

    export COREUM_CHAIN_ID="{Chain ID}"
    export COREUM_DENOM="{Denom}"
    export COREUM_NODE="{RPC URL}"
    export COREUM_COSMOVISOR_VERSION="{Cosmovisor version}"
    export COREUM_VERSION="{Cored version}"
    export UPGRADE_NAME="{Upgrade name}"
    export COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS="--chain-id=$COREUM_CHAIN_ID"
    export COREUM_NODE_ARGS="--node=$COREUM_NODE"
    export COREUM_BINARY_NAME=$(arch | sed s/aarch64/cored-linux-arm64/ | sed s/x86_64/cored-linux-amd64/)
    export COSMOVISOR_TAR_NAME=cosmovisor-$COREUM_COSMOVISOR_VERSION-linux-$(arch | sed s/aarch64/arm64/ | sed s/x86_64/amd64/).tar.gz

Attention! Set those variables globally so it is automatically set after starting a new terminal session.