How to unjail the validator

Check the reason for jailing:

  • cored q slashing signing-infos will show us the status of all validators, where you can see the jailed one and check the reason.
  • If the validator is jailed for being offline, there is reasonable jailed_until time, and tombstoned is set to false. You can unjail it.
  • If the validator is jailed for double signing, it means there are two replicas with the same priv_validator_key.json file. In this case, one will be tombstoned withjailed_until 9999-12-31T23:59:59Z, and tombstoned is set to true. It means that there is no way to unjail the tombstoned validator Another replica is jailed with reasonable jailed_until time and tombstoned is set to false. You can unjail it.

Unjail validator

If the validator is jailed but not tombstoned, the next steps will unjail it:

  1. Fix the reason for jailing.
  2. Send unjail transaction on behalf of the stalker account who owns the validator:
cored tx slashing unjail --from {VALIDATOR_ONWER_ACCOUNT}
# where VALIDATOR_ONWER_ACCOUNT - Name or address of the account to sign the transaction
  • (Optional) Check the validator's state If your validator is up and running, you can check its state by sending the next command:
    cored status --node={YOUR_RPC_ADDRESS}
    # where YOUR_RPC_ADDRESS is your validator public http address