Coreum Fee Model


This document specifies the feemodel module. The module is responsible for calculating minimum gas price required by the chain based on the parameters of fee model.

Two charts are presented below, showing how the implemented fee model behaves. Keep in mind that data presented on those charts were generated using MaxGasPrice set to 0.15 for better readability, while in reality we use 62.5.


  • long average block gas is the EMA (exponential moving average) of gas consumed by previous blocks using LongEmaBlockLength parameter for computing the EMA.
  • short average block gas is the EMA (exponential moving average) of gas consumed by previous blocks using ShortEmaBlockLength parameter for computing the EMA.
  • MaxGasPrice = InitialGasPrice * MaxGasPriceMultiplier
  • EscalationStartBlockGas = MaxBlockGas * EscalationStartFraction

The chart below presents the dependency between short average block gas and minimum gas price required by the network on next block.

Fee model curve

There are four regions on the fee model curve:

  • green - between 0 and long average block gas where gas price goes down exponentially from InitialGasPrice to gas price with maximum discount (InitialGasPrice * (1 - MaxDiscount)),
  • red - between long average block gas and EscalationStartBlockGas where we offer gas price with maximum discount all the time,
  • yellow - between EscalationStartBlockGas and MaxBlockGas where price goes up rapidly (being an output of a power function) from gas price with maximum discount to MaxGasPrice,
  • blue - above MaxBlockGas (if it happens for any reason) where price is equal to MaxGasPrice.

The input (x value) for that function is calculated by taking short block gas average. Price (y value) being an output of the fee model is used as the minimum gas price for the next block.

The second chart presents the model behavior over time, presenting how changes in gas consumed by blocks affect the minimum gas price required by the network. The chart was calculated using fixed long average block gas equal to 5 millions.

Fee model curve
  • x axis represents block number
  • left y axis is related to ShortEMA (red line) and LongEMA (orange line),
  • right axis presents the minimum gas price computed after a particular block,
  • blue line (almost completely covered by the red one) represents the raw gas consumed by blocks,
  • red line is the short average block gas,
  • orange line is the long average block gas,
  • green line is the minimum gas price required by the network.

A few things to note:

  • whenever ShortEMA goes above MaxBlockGas price is set to MaxGasPrice,
  • whenever ShortEMA goes above EscalationStartBlockGas price starts growing rapidly up to MaxGasPrice,
  • whenever ShortEMA is 0, price is set to InitialGasPrice,
  • whenever ShortEMA is equal to or greater than LongEMA maximum discount (MaxDiscount) is applied on top of InitialGasPrice,
  • when ShortEMA goes from 0 to LongEMA price drops until price with maximum discount is reached.


The x/feemodel module at the end of each block computes the minimum gas price required by the chain for the next block.

State managed by feemodel module:

  • MinGasPrice: 0x01 | -> string(minGasPrice)
  • ShortEMAGas: 0x02 | -> int64(shortEMAGas)
  • LongEMAGasKey: 0x03 | -> int64(longEMAGas)


Minimum gas price required by chain


Short moving average of gas consumed by previous blocks


Long moving average of gas consumed by previous blocks


The feemodel module provides a keeper providing these methods:

type Keeper interface {
// TrackedGas returns gas limits declared by transactions executed so far in current block
TrackedGas(ctx sdk.Context) int64

// TrackGas increments gas tracked for current block
TrackGas(ctx sdk.Context, gas int64)

// SetParams sets the parameters of the model
SetParams(ctx sdk.Context, params types.Params)

// GetParams gets the parameters of the model
GetParams(ctx sdk.Context) types.Params

// GetShortEMAGas retrieves average gas used by previous blocks, used as a representation of smoothed gas used by latest block
GetShortEMAGas(ctx sdk.Context) int64

// SetShortEMAGas sets average gas used by previous blocks, used as a representation of smoothed gas used by latest block
SetShortEMAGas(ctx sdk.Context, emaGas int64)

// GetLongEMAGas retrieves long average gas used by previous blocks, used for determining average block load where maximum discount is applied
GetLongEMAGas(ctx sdk.Context) int64

// SetLongEMAGas sets long average gas used by previous blocks, used for determining average block load where maximum discount is applied
SetLongEMAGas(ctx sdk.Context, emaGas int64)

// GetMinGasPrice returns current minimum gas price required by the network
GetMinGasPrice(ctx sdk.Context) sdk.DecCoin

// SetMinGasPrice sets minimum gas price required by the network on current block
SetMinGasPrice(ctx sdk.Context, minGasPrice sdk.DecCoin)

From all of these methods only GetMinGasPrice should be used by other modules. All the other ones serve internal needs of feemodel module.


The feemodel module contains the following parameters:

InitialGasPricestring (dec)"0.0625"
MaxGasPriceMultiplierstring (dec)"1000"
MaxDiscountstring (dec)"0.5"
EscalationStartFractionstring (dec)"0.8"


InitialGasPrice is the minimum gas price required when block gas short average is 0. It happens when there are no transactions being broadcasted. This value is also used to initialize gas price on a brand-new chain.


MaxGasPriceMultiplier is used to multiply InitialGasPrice to get the minimum gas price required when block gas short average is greater than or equal to MaxBlockGas.This value is used to limit gas price escalation to avoid having possible infinity gas price value otherwise.


MaxDiscount is the maximum discount we offer on top of InitialGasPrice if short average block gas is between long average block gas and EscalationStartBlockGas (EscalationStartBlockGas = MaxBlockGas * EscalationStartFraction).


EscalationStartFraction is used to multiply MaxBlockGas to get the block gas usage where gas price escalation starts if short average block gas is higher than this value.


MaxBlockGas sets the maximum capacity of a block. This is enforced on tendermint level in genesis configuration. Once short average block gas goes above this value, gas price is a flat line equal to MaxGasPrice (MaxGasPrice = InitialGasPrice * MaxGasPriceMultiplier).


ShortEmaBlockLength defines inertia for short average long gas in EMA model. The equation is:

NewAverage = ((ShortAverageBlockLength - 1)*PreviousAverage + GasUsedByCurrentBlock) / ShortAverageBlockLength

The value might be interpreted as the number of blocks which are taken to calculate the average. It would be exactly like that in SMA model, in EMA this is an approximation.


LongEmaBlockLength defines inertia for long average block gas in EMA model. The equation is:

NewAverage = ((LongAverageBlockLength - 1)*PreviousAverage + GasUsedByCurrentBlock) / LongAverageBlockLength

The value might be interpreted as the number of blocks which are taken to calculate the average. It would be exactly like that in SMA model, in EMA this is an approximation.