Smart FT with WASM

The tutorial provides an example of how to develop, deploy and use the WASM fungible smart token with the airdrop functionality.


To complete this tutorial, you need to:

  • Install rust and cargo.
  • Be familiar with the Rust programming language.
  • Have a general understanding of how the Coreum blockchain works.
  • Follow the instruction to install cored binary.
  • Install the required util: jq.
  • Set the network variables for the development (testnet is preferable).

Source Code

The complete source code is located here.

Getting Started

  • Clone the smart contract template
git clone
  • Go to the contract directory.
cd tutorials/wasm/ft-airdrop
  • Generate a new account
cored keys add wasm-deployer $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS
  • Fund account

Use the faucet to fund your account

  • Check the balance
cored q bank balances $(cored keys show wasm-deployer $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS -a) --denom $COREUM_DENOM $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS

Build contract

  • Build the contract
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \
  --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/target \
  --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \

This operation might take a significant amount of time.

Deploy contract

  • Deploy the built artifact.
RES=$(cored tx wasm store artifacts/ft_airdrop.wasm \
    --from wasm-deployer --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -y -b block --output json $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS)
echo $RES
CODE_ID=$(echo $RES | jq -r '.logs[0].events[-1].attributes[-1].value')
echo "Code ID: $CODE_ID"
  • Check the deployed code.

Instantiate contract

  • Instantiating the contract.


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub struct InstantiateMsg {
    pub symbol: String,
    pub subunit: String,
    pub precision: u32,
    pub initial_amount: Uint128,
    pub airdrop_amount: Uint128,

#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn instantiate(
    deps: DepsMut,
    env: Env,
    info: MessageInfo,
    msg: InstantiateMsg,
) -> Result<Response<CoreumMsg>, ContractError> {
    set_contract_version(, CONTRACT_NAME, CONTRACT_VERSION)?;
    let issue_msg = CoreumMsg::AssetFT(assetft::Msg::Issue {
        symbol: msg.symbol,
        subunit: msg.subunit.clone(),
        precision: msg.precision,
        initial_amount: msg.initial_amount,
        description: None,
        features: Some(vec![0]), // 0 - minting
        burn_rate: Some("0".into()),
        send_commission_rate: Some("0.1".into()), // 10% commission for sending

    let denom = format!("{}-{}", msg.subunit, env.contract.address).to_lowercase();

    let state = State {
        owner: info.sender.into(),
        minted_for_airdrop: msg.initial_amount,
        airdrop_amount: msg.airdrop_amount,
    };, &state)?;

        .add_attribute("owner", state.owner)
        .add_attribute("denom", state.denom)

In the code snippet above we instantiate the deployed contract using the instantiate function marked with entry_point macro. The contract can be instantiated multiple times and will get a new address each time. On the installation, the contract issues an FT with the minting feature enabled, and send_commission_rate extension equals 10%. After the instantiation, the contract will become the FT admin and will be able to control it. Since we have set up the minting feature only, it will be able to mint. Read more about Coreum Fungible Token. Also, on the instantiation we declare the owner the address of the instantiation, which we can use conditionally to inherit some contract/admin permissions.

CLI command:

cored tx wasm instantiate $CODE_ID \
 "{\"symbol\":\"mysymbol\",\"subunit\":\"$SUBUNIT\",\"precision\":6,\"initial_amount\":\"1000000000\",\"airdrop_amount\":\"1000000\"}" \
  --amount="10000000$COREUM_DENOM" --no-admin --label "My smart token" --from wasm-deployer --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block -y $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS
  • On token instantiation we can set custom parameters we allow to set in the contract.

    • symbol - FT symbol
    • subunit - FT subunit (used to for the denom creation)
    • precision - FT precision
    • initial_amount - the amount to mint initially
    • airdrop_amount - the amount we allow to be received as airdrop
    • --amount="10000000$COREUM_DENOM" - the amount we send to the contract to let it mint the FT, that amount will be paid by the contract for the FT creation.
  • Capture the contract address.

cored q wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID --output json $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS
CONTRACT_ADDRESS=$(cored q wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID --output json $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS | jq -r '.contracts[-1]')
echo "Contract address: $CONTRACT_ADDRESS"
  • Build denom and query supply.
echo "Created denom: $FT_DENOM"
echo "Open the$CONTRACT_ADDRESS to check it on explorer."
cored q bank total --denom $FT_DENOM $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS
cored q bank denom-metadata --denom $FT_DENOM $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS

Interact with the contract

Receive the airdrop.


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    MintForAirdrop { amount: u128 },
    ReceiveAirdrop {},

#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn execute(
    deps: DepsMut,
    _env: Env,
    info: MessageInfo,
    msg: ExecuteMsg,
) -> Result<Response<CoreumMsg>, ContractError> {
    match msg {
        ExecuteMsg::MintForAirdrop { amount } => mint_for_airdrop(deps, info, amount),
        ExecuteMsg::ReceiveAirdrop {} => receive_airdrop(deps, info),

fn receive_airdrop(deps: DepsMut, info: MessageInfo) -> Result<Response<CoreumMsg>, ContractError> {
    let mut state = STATE.load(;
    if state.minted_for_airdrop < state.airdrop_amount {
        return Err(ContractError::CustomError {
            val: "not enough minted".into(),
    let send_msg = cosmwasm_std::BankMsg::Send {
        to_address: info.sender.into(),
        amount: vec![Coin {
            amount: state.airdrop_amount,
            denom: state.denom.clone(),

    state.minted_for_airdrop = state.minted_for_airdrop.sub(state.airdrop_amount);, &state)?;

        .add_attribute("method", "receive_airdrop")
        .add_attribute("denom", state.denom)
        .add_attribute("amount", state.airdrop_amount.to_string())

In the code snippet above in the ExecuteMsg enum, we declare the transactions/messages we allow to execute. The execute function marked with entry_point macro routes them to the proper handlers. The receive_airdrop function is the handler for the ReceiveAirdrop message, that checks that we have enough tokens minted for the airdrop and send them to the message sender.

CLI command:

cored tx wasm execute $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"receive_airdrop":{}}' --from wasm-deployer -b block -y $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS

Pay attention, that the messages in enums are decoded using the snake case, and ReceiveAirdrop is expected as receive_airdrop.

  • Check balance
cored q bank balances $(cored keys show wasm-deployer $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS -a) --denom $FT_DENOM $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS

Mint for the airdrop.

  • Check the remaining airdrop amount


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum QueryMsg {
    Token {},
    MintedForAirdrop {},

#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_point)]
pub fn query(deps: Deps<CoreumQueries>, _env: Env, msg: QueryMsg) -> StdResult<Binary> {
    match msg {
        QueryMsg::Token {} => token(deps),
        QueryMsg::MintedForAirdrop {} => minted_for_airdrop(deps),

fn minted_for_airdrop(deps: Deps<CoreumQueries>) -> StdResult<Binary> {
    let state = STATE.load(;
    let res = AmountResponse {
        amount: state.minted_for_airdrop,

In the code snippet above in the QueryMsg enum, we declare the queries we allow to query. The query function marked with entry_point macro routes them to the proper handlers. The minted_for_airdrop function is the handler for the MintedForAirdrop query, which returns the amount minted for the airdrop.

CLI command:

cored q wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"minted_for_airdrop": {}}' $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS

Pay attention, that the queries in enums are decoded using the snake case, and MintedForAirdrop is expected as minted_for_airdrop.

  • Mint more for the airdrop


fn mint_for_airdrop(
    deps: DepsMut,
    info: MessageInfo,
    amount: u128,
) -> Result<Response<CoreumMsg>, ContractError> {
    let mut state = STATE.load(;
    if info.sender != state.owner {
        return Err(ContractError::Unauthorized {});

    let msg = CoreumMsg::AssetFT(assetft::Msg::Mint {
        coin: Coin::new(amount, state.denom.clone()),

    state.minted_for_airdrop = state.minted_for_airdrop.add(Uint128::new(amount));, &state)?;

        .add_attribute("method", "mint_for_airdrop")
        .add_attribute("denom", state.denom)
        .add_attribute("amount", amount.to_string())

In the code snippet above the mint_for_airdrop function checks that the sender is the owner (the address which instantiated the contract), and mints the additional amount for the airdrop.

CLI command:

cored tx wasm execute $CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
  "{\"mint_for_airdrop\":{\"amount\":\"5000000\" }}" \
 --from wasm-deployer -b block -y $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS
  • Check the new airdrop amount
cored q wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT_ADDRESS '{"minted_for_airdrop": {}}' $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS

Use send commission rate.

The send commission rate is the percent of sending amount which will be sent to the admin in addition to the sending amount.

  • Add a new account to receive the admin token
cored keys add recipient $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS
  • Check the balance of wasm-deployer
cored q bank balances $(cored keys show wasm-deployer $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS -a) --denom $FT_DENOM $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS
  • Check the balance of the smart contract
  • Send some FT from wasm-deployer to the recipient
cored tx bank send $(cored keys show wasm-deployer $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS -a) $(cored keys show recipient $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS -a) \
  1000$FT_DENOM --from wasm-deployer -b block -y $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS
  • Check the balance of the recipient
cored q bank balances $(cored keys show recipient $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS -a) --denom $FT_DENOM $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS

The recipient has received 1000 tokens.

  • Check the balance of wasm-deployer
cored q bank balances $(cored keys show wasm-deployer $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS -a) --denom $FT_DENOM $COREUM_NODE_ARGS $COREUM_CHAIN_ID_ARGS

The wasm-deployer sent 1000 tokens to the recipient and additionally 10% to the admin which is the contract address.

  • Check the balance of the smart contract

Next steps

  • Read Coreum modules specification, to be familiar with the custom Coreum functionality you can use for your application.
  • Read WASM docs to understand all supported WASM features.
  • Check other tutorials to find something you might be interested in additionally.